
“Son of Waves” : A Screenplay / Short Story by Dylan Tauber.

A story with original photography, digital art, and illustration, about Son of Waves, 12 Dolphins to save the planet, David The Visionary on the beach in Tel Aviv, a digital messiah, and an internet of Love.

Released 3/30/18

Release 1.9, 5/28/19

All writing, photographs, digital art, and music, copyright © 2018-2023, all rights reserved by Dylan Tauber.

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screenplay slide show with music and text - 4/18/18

Son of Waves photography and digital art by Dylan Tauber

Illustration Storyboard - 10 illustrations

Press Release - 4/15/18

Son of Waves Screenplay -
audiobook - 4/17/18

Storyboard collage

Son of Waves paperback front and back cover

DMtheory2 OnesandZeorstheory2

“Dylan is like no one I’ve ever come across. His mind exists on a whole different plane. He’s written a short script that’s a true representation of his unique heart and soul, which I could easily see, in my mind’s eye, as the premise for an animated film or more.” Nimisha S. 4/15/18

Review on BooksDirectOnline, 11/8/18:

Ideal for a short, animated film

Read (or listen to) the story of 21-year-old Son of Waves and his meeting with the new Messiah, David. Learn how, together with a pod of twelve dolphins, the Korean Tae-Kwan-Do team, and a group of Shin Bet bodyguards, they save the world from evil.

This is just a small part of the author's universe, which you can visit via his multiple websites. He displays a powerful imagination and a depth of compassion for mankind. The book is illustrated with his own photographs and digital art, while the audiobook includes his electronic music and art. This screenplay would make a great short, animated film as a vehicle to spread the message of peace and love. "Love and you will live."

Lynda Dickson

"Son of Waves" featured on 12/30/18:

This screenplay is dedicated to Carmen Marina
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